In Japan, the crane is considered to be a mystical creature and is said to live for a thousand years. An ancient Japanese legend promises that folding a thousand origamicranes will make a wish come true, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. Would you join us in creating 1000 orgami wishing cranes and help raise funds for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami victims?
2011年6月11日にShaw Ridge Primary Schoolで開催しました震災チャリティーイベントが無事終了しました。1000ポンドの義援金を集めることができました。これは予定通り東日本大震災の被災地の子どもたちのために、ICBAを通して岩手県下閉伊郡山田町の龍昌寺に送ります。
Dear friends,
On the 11th of June, our charity event to support the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake was successful. We are very pleased to announce that a total of £1,000 was raised. We are
sending the funds to Rusho temple, Yamada-cho, Iwate prefecture, Japan through the ICBA (International Childrens Bunko Association).
The event was a big success and we also received a lot of complements from the visitors.
We would like to thank everyone, who helped on the day, those who gave contributions towards the event and those who let us use things for the event. Thank you very much for your support,
the event was only possible through a team effort!
Sawako Halton
Nobi Nobi Japanese Language Group.
A charity event in aid of those suffering the effects of the tsunami in Japan.
The day, from 10.30-4, is split into two parts. From 10.30-12.30am there will be an open activity session for children with Japanese family members. From 12.30-4.00 pm it’s open to everyone and
will include a cake stall, a table-top sale, a Japanese food sale, live music, martial arts display, bonsai display, bags hand-made from Japanese vintage
kimono etc. Refreshments (including fresh Japanese food) will also be available.
Some of our group member's families in Japan are having difficult lives since the tsunami. With this event we will be offering an opportunity for Japanese people in the area to get in touch with
each other and share during this difficult time, as well as raising funds to support the Japan Tsunami disaster victims and offer an entertaining afternoon for anyone wishing to come along.
The situation in Japan, up to early May, was, “14,898 people dead, 9,922 people missing and 120,000 people still living in shelters. They are still finding bodies every day. The nuclear issue is
serious in many ways, safety for people is of course important but also agriculture, livestock and fishing businesses are in danger as their products are not selling due to concerns both
regarding contamination.
for more information please contact Sawako at info@nobinobi.co.uk